Gurdjieff Society of Finland – SGS ry

In recent times we have had endless opportunities for outer activities and endless new technologies for finding and sharing information. But sometimes there has been a feeling that something is missing, and it is not necessarily more of the same kind of things but rather something in the inner life. Are there possibilities for a deeper inner life that is on a different level from most of modern life, a search for real self and the meaning of our life here on the earth? These
and other related questions may be explored in an exchange where people can share their questions with each other.
Since 2002, groups in Helsinki and other cities in Finland have put the approach of G. I. Gurdjieff into practice. Groups have been established at times in Helsinki, Turku, Jyväskylä, Tampere, Joensuu and Kouvola, and most are still active. Other cities are also being considered for new groups.
Our groups are the only groups in Finland that are recognized as part of the main lineage from Gurdjieff, with links to the key groups in Europe (London and Paris), North America (New York, San Francisco and Washington) and Latin America. The first group was established in Helsinki in January 2002 by Bob Reinstein, whose teacher Hugh Ripman was sent by Gurdjieff to establish a group in Washington in 1949. Ripman passed the Gurdjieff influence to Reinstein in 1979. Related groups in Finland are all based on the Gurdjieff-Ripman approach.
If you are interested in such a practical approach, you may be able to join existing groups or be involved in forming a new group in a community where you do not already have one.
A New Group
Our newest group is open for joining. The group meets for one hour per week over Zoom, and occasionally face-to-face as circumstances so permit. The groups supported by the Society work on the premise of inner development becominq tangible in one’s life. We study the ideas put forth by Gurdjieff and his students, but with the emphasis on evaluatinq their usefulness in practice. The groups offer a chance to refiect one’s understandinq and expenences with others similarly
enqaged in the inner work.
Interested? Contact us for more info: